0Wednesday. 21st [March 1900]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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21 March 1900 — 3 Savile Row
Wednesday. 21st [March 1900]. Arthur Du Cane came before 10 o’clock to say he had arranged for the party to go to the theatre tomorrow evening. Monty seemed very well today & was up & dressed abt 11. Blanche came to see me & to ask me to go out with her. We went to Wimborne House & paid Ivor a visit & I borrowed for Monty 2 vols. of Mama’s type written journals. Then we went to Blanche’s Irish Industry Depot in Brook Street & arranged about fresh work to be done after wh I returned home to lunch. Nela DC. came to luncheon. At 3 I went off to Bethlem Hospital to a sewing party. Many of the lady patients were in the reception room where there was a piano. Mrs Hyslop sang also Dr Stoddart & Miss Haywood a lady nurse of the establishment & Dr Fleming– A Miss Clark played the piano. This went on for an hour while the patients worked garments for Dr Bernard’s home for children– At 4.30 we retired to Mrs Hyslop’s drawing room & sat down to tea—the musical performers & I. I left at 5 & went straight home. Found Eda entertaining Nela dela Terrière at tea & then Mr Stephenson came & amused & interested us by explaining all about the stock exchange & money matters. Then Louis DC. called– We then dressed for dinner & I went up to see Monty & found him rather nervous & lingered on with him till past 8 when Eda & I hurried off—she to dine with Elaine Villiers & I to dine with Admiral & Lady Agneta Montagu. I was late & found their party just coming down the stairs to dinner having given me up. Sir Allen Young gave me his arm. Besides my host & hostess their 2 daughters Olga & Mary there was Campbell of Lochiel & his wife. I returned home by 10.30 & sat awhile with Monty & then wrote to G. Lady Dudley who had written for information abt Madeira Homes.

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