0Monday. 26th [March 1900]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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26 March 1900 — 3 Savile Row
Monday. 26th [March 1900]. Better & up as usual. Am shaking off my cold. A long letter from Dr Wainwright from Madeira. Typed it out & prepared papers for tomorrow’s Committee. Very cold & a little snow. Did not go out all day. Lunched alone. Had letter from Genl Eaton saying a telegram from Capetown announces a patient for Madeira & the Dr begs me to transfer all the Home from Madeira to Capetown! I should very much like to get up a Home for officers at Cape Town—but we must keep on Madeira too. Had a quiet day writing & working at Invalid jackets. Blanche came in abt 6 to see how I am. Nela also came. Monty dined with me—& afterwards we sat in his sitting room till 10 when I came to bed. At last the wish of my heart is attained & Monty has dined with me & I hope will do so again. It was like the old days before I married when he & I were such friends & he was my special brother. It is so nice.

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