0Wednesday. 18th [April 1900]—Canford Manor, nr. Wimborne, Dorset
BaylorBrowning Guide

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18 April 1900 — Canford Manor, nr. Wimborne, Dorset
Wednesday. 18th [April 1900]. Breakfasted in my room & left Canford at ¼ to 7 & went by 9.15 train from Wimborne to town– I got there before 1 & lunched at 3 Savile Row. Then by 3 I went off to see Adeline Dss of Bedford & expounded the matter to her– She was very pleased & we agreed we would carry out the plan & summon a committee meeting for Friday morng at 10.45. I walked from Hertford St to Wimpole St to try & see Dr Treves who has just returned from S. Africa. He was not in. I went on to the other end of the street & left a message to beg Dr Lankester to come & see me tomorrow as I continue to cough a great deal. Then home. Miss Faithfull called upon me to report herself & give explanations as to her sudden return from Madeira without the leave of the Committee. She made lame excuses—that she did not like the Rules we had drawn up & sent her—that she had nothing to do at Madeira & her post was a sinecure which hurt her conscience & that her health was bad. Unfortunately at the same time as she came Dr Hyslop called. I wanted to have talked privately with him– He had to leave the coast clear for Miss Faithfull & did not stay very long. I told Miss Faithfull I was sorry she did not like the Rules & that she was not well—& that as to her post being a sinecure that was a matter for the responsibility of the Committee & I advised her to write herself to the Committee who had taken her hasty retreat from Madeira as her resignation. I am almost sorry for her—she has done a stupid or wrong thing & is beginning to realize it—especially when she heard we are going to move the establishment to S. Africa. Monty is still in town & I saw him before I went out to dine with Adeline Duchess. Came home at 10 rather tired & coughing a good deal.

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