0Wednesday. 25th [April 1900]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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25 April 1900 — 3 Savile Row
Wednesday. 25th [April 1900]. I had a quiet morning. Wrote—typed for Monty a table of the Layard family to stick in the 1st vol of Mama’s journals. Dr Lancaster came to see me & advised me not to go out. He said it was very cold today after the last 3 days of heat very trying. Maria called for me to drive with her in the Wimborne carriage but I sent Eda instead & sat at home reading & working. Had tea alone. Dr Bond called to tell me the M. authorities had approved of his niece. I went to dine with the Rates. Mrs Rate was in bed—Mr Rate, Mr & Mrs Erskine & Mr Pelham Burne were the party. I sat a while with Alice by her bed side & then with Mr Rate in the drawing room & came home at 10.30. Found 2 cables one from Dr Wainwright saying he leaves Madeira in the Norman today & the other from Mrs Twining saying Mr Logan offers to give us £200 a month to help our Home in S. Africa & giving particulars—saying this was accommodation for patients at Matjesfontein. Today my new butler Siret said he wished to leave—also the kitchenmaid. The former had been here barely a month. I told him he may leave tomorrow.

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