0Monday. 30th April [1900]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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30 April 1900 — 3 Savile Row
Monday. 30th April [1900]. After another search for the missing letter it was discovered in a drawer in my bedroom—so I sent off my answer to the War Office giving names of our staff and saying our agents Messrs Williams wd send further particulars. Dr Lankester came to see me & took leave of me as cured. After lunch I went off with Nellie to the Army & Navy Stores to order different things to be sent out to our Layard’s Home—& we came back tired & exhausted to tea at 5.30. Found Reggie Alderson waiting to see us– Bee & Evely Eliot also came to tea & Nela Du Cane. Torfitt came as my permanent butler. I hope now to be settled after many worries & changes.

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