0Tuesday. 1st May [1900]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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1 May 1900 — 3 Savile Row
Tuesday. 1st May [1900]. Wrote letters all the morning. Miss Bond came to see me for orders as to her leaving for the Layard Home. I telephoned to Mr Williams in the city & he advised her & Nurse McLeish going at once to Wallace’s to get measured for the Govt Army Reserve uniforms—so I sent her off there. After lunch Nellie & I went for a walk to buy 6d books in Parliament St. We got 20 novels at 4½ each! Miss Oswell came to say she advised my buying a brand-new Hammond machine for type writing. Blanche & Edward Duncannon & Louis Du Cane dined with me. The former just arrived from Ireland this morning.

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