0Saturday. 5th [May 1900]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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5 May 1900 — 3 Savile Row
Saturday. 5th [May 1900]. At 11 I set out on foot—went first to call on Georgina Lady Dudley to tell her we have closed the Madeira Home—then on to Cav. Sqr to see Kate. Walked back & went to lunch at Wimborne House to meet the Australian delegate Mr Barton & his wife who are here to settle the question of Australian Federation. Mrs B. seemed a very charming woman. She expressed much delight at having at last seen an English spring with its bright green new leaves—a thing unknown in countries where there is perpetual summer. Certainly even London is pretty at this moment when the new leaves are bright & clean & unsullied by London black. I did not make acquaintance with Mr Barton. Mr Galten a clergyman sat next me at lunch. I found out afterwards that he is an ex R.C. priest. I did not like the look of him, but he is agreeable to talk to & has travelled & read much. At 3 I went for a drive in a hansom as far as Bethlem– Hearing there that Dr Hyslop was away I did not go in but drove straight home. I dined with the Duncannons a family party. Came home early.

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