0Sunday. 6th May [1900]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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6 May 1900 — 3 Savile Row
Sunday. 6th May [1900]. To the 10 o’cl service at the German Chapel. Yesterday Monty asked me if I could move all my books out of the library which he uses as a sitting room. He wants to hang up a quantity of his own prints. As I have 3 large book cases full it is a great matter of consideration how it is to be done. I am fond of books & don’t wish to part with them. It is rather upsetting but I have no doubt I shall be able to manage it somehow. I went to lunch with Corise Rodney at 67 Cadogan Sqr to see her children– Nela Du Cane was there. I came straight home at 3 & did not go out again.

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