0Sunday. 3rd [June 1900]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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3 June 1900 — 3 Savile Row
Sunday. 3rd [June 1900]. I went to German Chapel service & did not move out again all day. Herbert Thompson called at tea time & also Sir Wm de Voeux who is most pleasant. He talked much abt the Ct & Css de Bardi who are great friends of his & asked if it were true that his conduct at Venice had been so bad. I was obliged to say that it was so. Sir Wm talked of an article by an English lady married to an Austrian in vindication of the Doña Maria de la Nieves & D. Carlos’ brother—& asked if I would get him information as to the last Carlist War. I told him to send it to me & I would see what I can do. Nellie stayed on to dinner with me telling me all her love troubles.

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