0Tuesday. 5th [June 1900]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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5 June 1900 — 3 Savile Row
Tuesday. 5th [June 1900]. Worked at soldiers cholera belt. My maid Knapp had a nervous fit & told me she felt she must go away for rest. I agreed to let her go for a couple of months. She has been ill with nerves before & under medical care. Nellie returned from Hatfield while I was at luncheon– We walked out together afterwards & saw on all the newspaper advertisements that Pretoria is taken. We bought a paper which had official confirmation. Every one began to put out flags on their shops & houses. We called on Lady Humphrey also went to 11 Mill St to see how Nellie’s shop is getting on. Home to tea– Telegraphed to Countess Pisani the news about Pretoria. Was just going out at 6 when Mrs Pember drove up so I turned back to see her & she came in to the house & we settled to go to the city together tomorrow to buy warm clothes to send out to the Layard Home. Then I went off in a hansom to Cromwell Gardens to call on Lady de Voeux & to Gertie Clay Ker Seymer– Neither of them did I find so I took a cab home– The whole town is ablaze with flags but there was not the excitement of the day of the relief of Mafeking. I hear distance cheering tonight but not so loud as that night. Still we all must feel thankful that the war is virtually over– Really Roberts is a splendid general & there is good stuff yet in Englishmen.

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