0Thursday. 7th June [1900]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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7 June 1900 — 3 Savile Row
Thursday. 7th June [1900]. Knapp still so agitated that I agreed to let her go & she seems relieved. I spent the morning writing letters & typing out Layard Home notices. Mr Cazenove called on his way to the city soon after 10 & took some copies of the Notice. Irène & Vere Ponsonby came to lunch also Nela Du Cane. At 4 Nela & I walked out together & parted in Oxford St each going to our respective homes to tea. Mr Cazenove called to say he has given some money for the Home on the Stock Exchange– Audrey & Hilda Trevelyan came also. We discussed ways of raising money. I suggested a Café Chantant. Mr Cazenove is going to cast about to see what can be done. Connie came to tea yesterday & promised to try & get us some of the money from the National Bazaar Fund as she is on the Ladies’ Committee of it. Charlie & Bee dined with us & Connie fetched them in the evening to go home– I helped Nellie to sew trimmings for a gown being made by “Mesdames Savile” as she & Nety La Terrière call themselves.

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