0Friday. 15th [June 1900]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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15 June 1900 — 3 Savile Row
Friday. 15th [June 1900]. I took a cab after lunch & drove to Bethlem to see poor Lena Lyons who tho’ still in bed & speechless looked very much better. Dr Hyslop took me to see the King Edward’s girls school which is just behind the hospital & we found all the girls busy cleaning & scrubbing preparing for their examination day next Tuesday. They all looked happy & well—some scrubbing, others ironing, others cooking &c. I walked home by tea time & Nela La Terrière came to tea. I dined with Sir Arnold & Lady Kemball & sat next mine host who was very nice & friendly & I felt he really was fond of Henry when they were together in old days.

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