0Saturday. 16th [June 1900]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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16 June 1900 — 3 Savile Row
Saturday. 16th [June 1900]. I went out in the morning with Nellie. Nela DC. came to see me to talk over her troubles– I left town & went off to Peterboro’ to stay with the Aldersons in the Precincts not feeling very well & glad to get away. On the journey down there were 2 ladies who fought as to whether the windows shd be open or not. One declaring she had a right to have one her side of the carriage open—the other saying it gave her a cold– The former had her way. I remained neutral & slept most of the way. Eda & Monty A. met me at the Peterboro’ station & I walked to their house leaving old Jane the cook who accompanied me, to take charge of my luggage.

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