0Saturday. 14th [July 1900]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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14 July 1900 — 3 Savile Row
Saturday. 14th [July 1900]. The heat very great. The Bishop of Ripon & Mrs Boyd Carpenter came to luncheon. Mr & Mrs Strong came to tea. I went to the Baker Street Station intending to go by 6.17 train to Chorley Wood to stay with Adeline Bedford. On getting there I found the train does not go on Saturdays & I had to wait till 7.40. I left my maid there with the luggage & I walked to Park Crescent to call on Maria. She being out I saw Nela & she walked back to the station with me & saw me off. I got to Chenies abt 8.30 & found dinner half over. Mr & Mrs Trotter staying with Addie. Today was the Harrow & Eton cricket match at Lords & the railway carriages were very full for some time in my compartment we were 13 instead of 10 the proper number.

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