0Monday. 16th [July 1900]—Chenies
BaylorBrowning Guide

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16 July 1900 — Chenies
Monday. 16th [July 1900]. Confirmation of the terrible massacre of Europeans at Pekin– Horrible details of an attack upon the British Legation in wh all Europeans had taken refuge—too horrible to think of– All feel appalled at the idea. We all left Chenies by 10.30 train from Chorley Wood. Mrs Trotter returned to Penner where she lives– Her husband went up to his daily business in town. Addie went to town to go to Cheshire to pay visit. I went to town home. Walked from the station to 25 Park Crest. to carry some flowers to Maria who loves them. The heat was tremendous. Went on from there to Cav. Sqr to see Blanche & then took a hansom & went home & tried to keep cool.

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