0Sunday. 22nd July [1900]—Milton Court, nr. Dorking, Surrey
BaylorBrowning Guide

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22 July 1900 — Milton Court, nr. Dorking, Surrey
Sunday. 22nd July [1900]. Mr Rate & I drove in to attend service at 11 in Dorking Church. Spent the rest of the day in the garden. Too hot to walk much. The flowers are splendid– Wreaths of white roses & of Turner’s Rambler red roses—masses of heliotrope—delphiniums hollyhocks &c &c. After tea took Mrs Rate in her wheeled chair down to the bay garden which is full of common scentless musk iris of many sorts meadows sweet forgetmenots– Sat in garden after dinner with Mrs Rate– She is so delicate she had to go to bed soon after dinner

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