0Monday. 22nd [October 1900]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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22 October 1900 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Monday. 22nd [October 1900]. After breakfast I arranged for Mr & Mrs Walrond & Virgie & Issue Du Cane to go in gondola to Torcello– Sent Mrs Sandford out sketching with Nela—the Bishop out to the Sailor’s Institute with Mr Christie & then went with Eda to Palazzo Tiepoletto to see Lady Mary Glyn who is still unwell—but does not keep her bed. Came home & prepared papers to read at the Sailor’s Institute meeting that was to take place this afternoon—& then read them to the Bp of Gib. & got his approval of them. I took the Bp at one to luncheon at Mr & Mrs Christie’s & Mrs Sandford met us there. Mr Browning also lunched there. He is terribly altered since last I saw him. Has grown fat & bloated & red in the face. In fact much deteriorated. We returned home by 3 where a meeting of the Church Improvement Committee held a meeting; Mr Horatio Brown was the first to arrive & we touched on the subject of the Sailor’s Institute & the disagreement between its Committee & the British & Foreign Missions to Seamen. We waxed warm & Mr Brown was anything but civil to me & openly accused me of undue influence over Mr Christie—I was very much hurt– Luckily Mr Woods arriving put an end of the discussion & I retired while the Committee met– Soon after 4 we had an Institute Committee meeting—the Bishop, Mr Woods, Mr Christie, the V. Consul (de Zuccato) & myself– Then I went to my room to rest till dinner– Had a party in honor of the Bishop of Gib. To dinner had the Bishop of Peterboro & Lady Mary Carr Glyn, Mr & Mrs Curtis, Mr Browning, Mr & Mrs Walrond, The Bishop of Gib. & Mrs Sandford, Nela Du Cane, Mr & Mrs Christie & in the evening came some more friends—some residents, others passing through Venice—some 30 in all–

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