0Monday. 3rd [December 1900]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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3 December 1900 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Monday. 3rd [December 1900]. Modelled in morning. Prince & Princess Reuss & their daughter & governess came to call at 2 oclock & I showed them the pictures & the Princess admired the house & was very friendly & nice. In the evening I received & had some 16 people. The Christies dined with us. M. & Mme Bompard came. He is a French artist painting here. He was very enthusiastic over my collection of Hispanic Moresque faience plates saying he had seen one sold for 5000 francs—& he amused himself going round the rooms examining all the details. Mme Bompard who is an excellent musician played & sang to us in a most delightful way.

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