0Thursday. 20th [December 1900]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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20 December 1900 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Thursday. 20th [December 1900]. Modelled. Went out in gondola afternoon. Called on Ersilia Canevaro. Went to tea with Mr Williamson in his charming apartment, Pal. Capello. Rio Marin. Met Mrs Eden & the Wheatland Smiths. Home at 5.30 & visit from Iduna Bel. who declaimed against the W. Smiths being admitted into society here—on account of her being a divorcée &c &c we had a hot argument as I maintain here where so many of the Venetian ladies have no reputations there is no need to be so prudish.

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