0Saturday. 12th January [1901]—Rome
BaylorBrowning Guide

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12 January 1901 — Rome
Saturday. 12th January [1901]. Arrived at Rome at 6.40. Went to Hotel d’Angleterre—rested for 2 hours & then at 11 went to Mr & Mrs Curtis at 20 Piazza di Spagna & they took me to search for an apartment that I may not have to stay 2 months in the Hotel. I arrived too late at each place—the rooms having been let—we went to an Agency in the Via Frattina & the man said he would fetch me at 2 & take me to see more rooms—so I went to lunch with the Curtis & dined & after set off again under the guidance of the agent—but had no success—& returned to the Hotel discomforted. Went on foot to Piazza Paganica to call on Donna Laura Minghetti—she was not expected in till after 5 so I had ½ hour to walk & then returned & found her. She was surprised & pleased to see me & very kind as usual. Got back to the hotel in time for 7 o’cl table d’hôte dinner– Had a table à part.

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