0Tuesday. 15th [January 1901]—Rome
BaylorBrowning Guide

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15 January 1901 — Rome
Tuesday. 15th [January 1901]. I woke early but could not get up as Baker had gone off at 7 A.M. to the station to meet the servants & I was alone in the house. The cook Jane Buttrick, & the kitchenmaid & Wilfred the footman duly arrived & got me my breakfast by 8. Busy morning unpacking & arranging the rooms which begin to take a better appearance. Out for a walk after lunch. Called on Countess Cora Brazzà who was at home—it being her “day”– Met there Dr Porches son of the head of Waldenson church. A very interesting man. The Countess was asking him to write an article for the Anglo Italian Review she is managing. We had much talk on religion in England. The Dr says we are losing our backbone and blames our disclaiming the name of Protestants. I thoroughly agree with him. Css Brazzà says there is no longer need to fight. I maintained the contrary upheld by the Dr. Walked a long way towards our respective homes together & had interesting talk with him abt miracles in the Bible. He told me in reference to them, that he believes that when a person dies tho’ their heart stops & their pulse also still the whole fabric of the body does not really die so quickly & he thereby accounts for Elisha’s raising the dead. I dined with the Curtis. Very cold evening which prevented my getting much sleep at night.

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