0Monday. 22nd [April 1901]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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22 April 1901 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Monday. 22nd [April 1901]. Breakfast at 7 & dressed by 9 so got a good long morning at modelling– Sent my gondola to the squero to be cleaned so had to walk in afternoon. Went to call on Countess Canevaro just home from Paris & found her in good humour. Her husband has got from the railway compy 30,000 fcs a year compensation for the widow of the brother who was killed at Bayonne in the railway accident. I went home to 5 tea. Visits from Hilda, Clara & Mr Montalba & from Mme Berehold– The poor little lady is grown old & sad by the sudden run away match made by her daughter Charlotte who ran away with a young medical student of no birth. I expect it is much the mother’s fault for keeping her daughter so long unmarried. She was a beautiful girl & I had always liked her & she was a great friend of Nela Du Canes—a great merit in my eyes. After lunch I had a long visit from Count Guidanio Marcello expressly to talk to me of the Venezia Murano Co. He said he would have liked to have seen Edward Duncannon when he was here & had asked Castellani to tell him so—but evidently C. had managed not to do so. The Count offered to enter into the new Co. if one is formed & to ask other Venetians of good family to do so. After dinner I wrote a long letter to Edward telling him all the Count had said & while the matter is fresh in my mind. Heard that Guggenheim’s daughter is engaged to marry a Christian of good family. So the family is going up in the world.

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