0Thursday. 16th [May 1901]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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16 May 1901 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Thursday. 16th [May 1901]. Ascension Day. Went to morning service at 10.30. After luncheon had visit from Mme & Mlle Giacomelli & Mlle Buchner their friend a German Governess who is very active at the “Unione” we had a discussion on the subject & after much useless talk came to a few conclusions as to what is to be done to form the Committee of publication. At 3.30 I went out in gondola—a storm threatened. I went to bid the Montalbas good bye. Returned home for 5 oclock tea– The Belmondos called—also Countess Revedin & her sister—they stayed so late, the days being long that I had only a moment in wh to dress & to go off to dine with the Canevaros. The Admiral had been expected home from Rome but had not arrived. The party consisted only of the 2 sisters & 2 brothers, Ellen Montalba & myself– A few men came in the evening and Princess Clary. The Charity fair which took place in the Royal Garden was much spoilt by the bad weather.

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