0Wednesday. 22nd [May 1901]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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22 May 1901 — 3 Savile Row
Wednesday. 22nd [May 1901]. Blanche called for me at 10 & we went together in a hansom to 8 Onslow Gardens. Found that yesterday’s improvement in Charlie’s state was not maintained & that he was getting much worse. We stayed with her till past 12 & then came home Blanche & I together. I sat quiet & worked the sewing machine for Nellie till tea time. Mrs Tom Bruce called & then Mr & Mrs Kennedy & the Oranmores– The latter told me that soon after one her mother had been fetched by Monty Eliot as the Dr had said that Charlie would hardly last out the day & they were getting anxious as to Connie’s state. I started off at once for Onslow Gardens in a cab & got there at 6. Charlie was dying fast—but had a slight rally & lived till 10 when he died quite peacefully. I had persuaded Blanche to go home & dine & she returned just in time. I was up & down amongst them all—but mostly sat on the stairs. I got a mouthful of food– The sons were all of them wonderfully good & helpful & tender specially Chrissie with their mother & when all was over Monty E. led his mother to an upper room & Blanche put her to bed– Her son Eddie was to sleep in her room. The stillness of the last moments was very solemn after the noise of the heavy breathing wh I could hear out on the stairs. Edward at once wrote the necessary letters & telegrams & I came off home with Nela Du Cane who had come down to see if she could help & was not wanted. I had a little food & went to bed quite exhausted.

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