0Wednesday. 29th [May 1901]—Paris
BaylorBrowning Guide

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29 May 1901 — Paris
Wednesday. 29th [May 1901]. Breakfast at 8. At 10 went to the dressmaker & tried on our dresses—then to the [illegible word] shop where Nellie bought herself a hat & then back to lunch. Rested till 3. There was a great thunderstorm & torrents of rain as soon as it cleared a bit I went off to 25 Avenue Messina to see Mme Lacroix who has just lost her husband & whom we had known much in former days. She is a very clever woman & paints really wonderfully well. She is I think half Russian half Spanish. She painted the drop scene of the theatre at Cadiz—also the ceiling of the Academy of Madrid & was made a member of it. She told me all about her husband’s long illness & we sympathised much together. I walked back to the hotel & Nellie coming in also from shopping we had tea together & then drove again to Rue de l’Echequier where I bought a dressing gown—then back to hotel & read till dinner at 8. Patience—& bed–

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