0Friday. 31st May [1901]—Paris
BaylorBrowning Guide

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31 May 1901 — Paris
Friday. 31st May [1901]. Thinking Mme Lacroix might be coming to call in the morning we did not go out till 11.20 when we went off to the Louvre to see the rooms lately opened containing old tapestries & furniture from the Garde meuble. There are some splendid things there. We went thro’ the Susanian collection of Mr Dieulafoy excavation thro’ the rooms of Henry II & out & back to the hotel for lunch at 1– At 2 I went to try on my dresses & Nellie went to the Bon Marché & we met again at the Hotel at 5 very exhausted as it was a very sultry day—& I remained quiet till dinner at 8. Nellie went out again to shop for a short time. Dinner at 8. Played patience.

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