0Saturday. 1st [June 1901]—Paris
BaylorBrowning Guide

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1 June 1901 — Paris
Saturday. 1st [June 1901]. We sat quiet in the morning till it was time to go in a fiacre to lunch at 11.30 with Mme Lacroix where we met Pablo Casals the violincellist. He was as nice & simple as ever & very pleased to see us again & asked after “my English mother” as he calls my sister Constance. She was very kind to him when he was in London & looked after him. After lunch Mme Lacroix took us over her house & to her studio & showed us a ceiling she had painted not long ago she promised to paint a little sketch on purpose for me. On leaving her we went to Michaud the dressmaker to try on our dresses—then wandered about & got caught in the rain—so had to get back to Hotel St Romaine & refresh ourselves with tea—after wh we sallied out again to try on my bonnet & to have my hair coiffé—& then back very tired to dine at 8.

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