0Friday. 7th [June 1901]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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7 June 1901 — 3 Savile Row
Friday. 7th [June 1901]. After my early breakfast I set to work at modelling this morning, but did not feel very well so could not apply myself much to anything. After lunch I drove out with Nellie—turning into Thurlow Square the horse of our carriage nearly came down so we drove straight back to East’s in Curzon St from whom I hire the conveyance at 40 guineas a month—& thence walked home in time for 5 o’cl tea. Duncannon came to tea & remained a long time talking of Connie her past life & future prospects. Nellie having gone out & left us we had a long talk over the family. We agree in thinking that Ivor is not looking well & is a good deal aged.

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