0Tuesday. 13th [August 1901]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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13 August 1901 — 3 Savile Row
Tuesday. 13th [August 1901]. I went in the morning to 20 Cork St to try on clothes. After lunch took Nellie in a hansom to her uncle C’s & on to Egerton Terrace to see dear old Miss Hogarth. Called again for Nellie—saw Mollie. Heard that C.A. was better & came home to tea. Molly dined with us. Very hot weather. I went this morng to the Memorial service at the Chapel Royal for the Empress Frederick. I was on the stairs of the same Palace when a girl of 14 to see her pass to the Chapel to be married. Alas a whole lifes span I have seen.

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