0Thursday. 15th [August 1901]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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15 August 1901 — 3 Savile Row
Thursday. 15th [August 1901]. Louis did come this morning & had a thoro’ investigation & will tackle the telephone Co. Truly this town is curiously managed. The County Council wont let the road be used and so a Private Co. for the good of the Public has to crawl about the roofs of private houses on sufferance! I saw Monty & took leave of him. He left again for Cowes. I went out shopping in morning & returned to lunch at 1.30. Lady Poynter lunched with us. After tea Nellie & I went in a hansom to call on Mr & Mrs Luke Fildes & went up to his studio to see the beginning of the great picture he is painting of the King in his robes. We discussed thoro’ly with him the position H.M. should be. The great difficulty is to decide how he shall be holding his sceptre so as to look dignified & not swaggery!. We remained discussing it for more than an hour & then left abt 7.15 & came home. Mr Burton dined with us. He has just returned from a visit to Port Eliot & was not feeling very well & came to consult a bro: Doctor. I fear he is rather breaking– He feels Charlie Eliot’s death very keenly & is devoted to the whole Eliot family. Weather fine but threatening this evening.

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