0Saturday. 17th [August 1901]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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17 August 1901 — 3 Savile Row
Saturday. 17th [August 1901]. We breakfasted together Nellie & I at 8.30 & left at 9.30 for Waterloo Station to go by the 10 o’clock special boat train to Southampton. Baker my maid accompanied us. We reached there abt 1 o’clock—the train going into the docks where the ships lay. We had a very short walk to where the St Paul the American Liner lay. Mr Bettle Mr Griscom’s son in law was on board looking out for us & took us at once to see our cabins which were most luxurious. Mine having a double bed and a bathroom attached. Young Griscom Bettle a wild little boy of 11 & an English friend of 15 young Hollingworth were to be our travelling companions & Mr Bettle had also come to see them off. We started abt ¼ hour after our train came in. We were all down at luncheon & Miss Felter the gov: to Master Bettle did the honors of lunch to us. Griscom giving himself grand airs, eating inordinately & speaking insolently to the servants– He is a spoilt boy the “Lamb” of doting parents and will take some licking into shape. We had a perfectly smooth day & arrived abt 5.30 at Cherbourg where Mrs Bettle, Miss Griscom & her friend Miss Howe came on board having arrived from Paris– We were all at dinner.

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