0Thursday. 29th [August 1901]—Dolobran, Haverford, Pennsylvania
BaylorBrowning Guide

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29 August 1901 — Dolobran, Haverford, Pennsylvania
Thursday. 29th [August 1901]. Had rather headache & was not good for much all day. Nellie fetched me down at 10.30 to be interviewed by a lady reporter of the                newspaper. She was rather smartly dressed & was very polite and we hoped Nellie & I that we had not said anything very foolish by the end of the interview. She asked us whether we expected to be at the King’s coronation next year & whether we thought H.M. would be less fond of ladies now! & other such idiotic questions. When the evening newspapers came out there was our interview printed as large as life After luncheon I retired to my room & rested & slept till tea time—& after tea Nellie & I took a walk with our host & hostess to the farm & in the botanical garden quarries &c. Rod Griscom & Mr Howard Wood & his pretty gentle little daughter Marian dined here & he interested us by talking of the war with the Southerners in which he had taken part himself.

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