0Thursday. 26th [September 1901]—Dolobran, Haverford, Pennsylvania
BaylorBrowning Guide

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26 September 1901 — Dolobran, Haverford, Pennsylvania
Thursday. 26th [September 1901]. After lunch I went off to see some horse races with Pansy, Mrs Rodman & 2 of their boy cousins. “Augustus” drove us there in the omnibus & he placed us in a good position near the winning post. We ladies climbed up on to the roof seat & there we sat & had a good view. The amusement of the day was to see the trotters– The horses were harnessed to a small kind of cradle close to their tails on which the driver sits with his feet of each side of the horse—who trots at a great pace. The gt excitement of the day was to see a trotter called “Cresceus” who did his mile in 2 min: 4 seconds—& a bit—& it was a very graceful race to see this fleet animal racing—trotting—by the side of another horse who was galloping as fast as he could to keep up with him. We only returned to Dolobran by 6 o’clock.

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