0Friday. 27th [September 1901]—Dolobran, Haverford, Pennsylvania
BaylorBrowning Guide

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27 September 1901 — Dolobran, Haverford, Pennsylvania
Friday. 27th [September 1901]. There was cricket match at Haverford between an English eleven & a Philadelphia eleven in the club cricket ground. I accompanied Mrs Griscom there in the morng & sat in her box in the grandstand. We returned to luncheon & went there again in the afternoon & Mrs G. presided at one of the tea tables in the club. Nellie returned from N. York. The race had been “no race” for want of eno wind. Juan had gone on last night to Boston to pack his mother’s luggage at Manchester & to bring it here so as to save her the trouble & fatigue of going there herself.

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