0Saturday. 28th [September 1901]—Dolobran, Haverford, Pennsylvania
BaylorBrowning Guide

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28 September 1901 — Dolobran, Haverford, Pennsylvania
Saturday. 28th [September 1901]. The English eleven are winning– We went again today to see the match & in the afternoon Emilia R. also joined us there. The rain stopped the game early & we went in to tea in the club house and made acquaintance with some of the English team—the captain of which was Mr Bosanquet. Mrs Ely whose husband was a friend of my brother Arthur’s presided at the tea table & was very nice to me. We went back to Dolobran at about 6 & after dinner Mr & Mrs Griscom, Nellie & I went to the Club house dance where we found many of the notables of the neighbourhood. We remained there till after 11– The attitudes of the dancers were many of them most surprising & quaint. They only danced slow valses & lancers & ended by a tempête.

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