0Friday. 18th [October 1901]—En route to Milan
BaylorBrowning Guide

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18 October 1901 — En route to Milan
Friday. 18th [October 1901]. Reached Bâle at 6 A.M. & breakfasted at the Buffet– At 7 got into the Milan train & Mr Poynter was with us. We lunched in the Wagon rest. at 11– Mr P. left us at Como. We arrived at Milan at 3 & went to Hotel Cavour. Had the same rooms in entresol Henry & I had on that terrible last journey together & I slept on the bed he had had—& thought much & long of him & all he must have felt & suffered in mind that night feeling a doomed man. Emilia went out to the Cathedral. I took a walk. We dined at 7 & went early to bed.

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