0Wednesday. 23rd [October 1901]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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23 October 1901 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Wednesday. 23rd [October 1901]. Mr Hamilton Gatliff who had charge of the distribution at Cape Town of the various parcels sent out at the beginning of the war to the troops came to lunch. He is pleasant & intelligent & brought a lot of photos: he had made over there. Mr P. Somers Cocks also lunched. A young man in the Foreign Office very musical & playing the violincello I believe very well. After they had left us we went out to the Piazza & thence to the Edens garden to pay them a visit—they having just returned from their villa at Belluno. On my return at 5 I had a meeting of the Sailors Institute. The English Consul, Mr Harston, Mr Woods & Montalba. It is lovely weather & quite warm so after dinner we went for a moonlit row.

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