0Friday. 3rd [January 1902]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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3 January 1902 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Friday. 3rd [January 1902]. Better & up after breakfast. Modelled– Went out with Emilia at 4 to the Piazza & looked into S. Mark’s where we found a procession going on—round the inside of the church—candles, lanterns, crosses, & the Host carried by the Patriarch Cardinal under a canopy. It was a wonderful sight. A choir of boys followed the procession chanting a fine hymn, several confraternities in red garments with silver plaques on their chests & some gentlemen in every day costume with lighted tapers in their hands. The day light had waned & the effect of the many wax candles & tapers in the grand old dark church was very remarkable– We stayed there till 5 oclock when we went off to take tea with Mr Woods at his rooms at S. Maurizio traghetto. Met Mrs Hulton there & Gioconda & then came home. In the evening I read aloud to Emilia, we finished our course of Boccaccio—the beginnings & endings of the days & some of the best stories. I began to read to her some of Villari’s life of Savonarola.

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