0Wednesday. 8th [January 1902]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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8 January 1902 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Wednesday. 8th [January 1902]. We have had a most splendidly fine day. A day the Venetians call “stolen”– We went in gondola to the public gardens & took a walk into the Campo di Marte (S. Elena). The old church has been spoilt & made into a foundry but the island has been enlarged & it is used as a ground for exercising of troops– Only one small avenue of trees has been planted & the ground is rough but it might easily be arranged so as to be very pretty. We went to tea with Mr Williamson at Palazzo Capello Rio Marin & met there the Wiels & Mrs Eden also Ct. Wickenburg who is an Austrian—but a descendant of the Capello family. Mr W’s rooms have a beautiful view from there & are very high up 3rd floor. The long hall is very long– He has arranged the apartment very prettily & comfortably. We dined at 8 & I then went off to the Sailor’s Institute where the usual Wedy concert was going on– The German pastor was there—the sailors were none of them musicians so it was difficult to drag the thing along. I sang solos for their chorus– Was home again at 10.30.

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