0Tuesday. 11th [February 1902]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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11 February 1902 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Tuesday. 11th [February 1902]. I went after luncheon to see Bss Reinelt & to talk over last night. I found her in a very disturbed state not having enjoyed herself & much shocked at the behaviour of our hostess Css Anina Morosini—her manners with the men & her giddy ways. She had also heard of her mania for not paying her bills & for taking presents from young men– Though she is rich—the Genoese in her makes her hate to part with her money. In fact the poor Baroness was completely désillusionée– She is beginning to see what the ways of the “society” here are. I went to join Emilia & we took a walk in Piazza & then went to the Prefettura & sat with the dear little English woman who is the present Prefects wife—quite a relief after the manners of the people here. Her husband was sitting with her & one felt that it is a happy ménage. In the evening I received & a good many men came but only three women. Society was finishing the Carnival somewhere else– However it was pleasant & we had tea in the boudoir & some talk. The Sindaco came & he is always nice & a gentleman– Count Tilippo Grimani of S. Tomà.

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