0Thursday. 20th [March 1902]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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20 March 1902 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Thursday. 20th [March 1902]. Busy morning modelling & I went on till 4 oclock when I went out in gondola—a glorious day. Went to Piazza to the shop of Leone della Torre antiquaries & there bought a handsome blue & white china vase—large size which I have had my eye on since before Christmas. Gave 150 lire for it. At 5 went to tea with Mr Eden– Carry going on well though still in bed. Home at 6. Iduna called & came up to the studio. At 7.15 I went off to dine with Bss Reinelt at Hotel Vittoria—we two alone. The Css Anina Morosini & her father Sr Rombo came there just at that moment and were dismayed to think they were not asked to be of the party. The Css even privately reproved the Bss as she left. Happily she held firm & we remained alone—but I expect it was a blow to the others to find that the Bss & I are so friendly & independent. The Morosini has accaparée the Bss because she is so rich & even give her presents—for tho’ very well off herself the Morosini is a Genoese & holds tight to her money.

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