0Monday. 24th [March 1902]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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24 March 1902 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Monday. 24th [March 1902]. Still dull weather. Worked at statuette of the fish boy in morning. After lunch ditto till 4 when I had a visit from Ct Girolamo Marcello to take abt V. & Murano Co. He is hot about the scheme but says it is of no use asking the Venetians of good family to put money into it. He said I could give you several acres of land but no ready money—but he encourages the idea & is ready to give time & attention to it. He has done so well with the Burano lace schools, initiated by his mother that one feels he understands business & would be useful to us. Mme Le Mallier came to tea & then Hilda Montalba– I took her out with me at 6 when I went to the Edens as Mr E. had written to me that Carry was much better, was taking a teaspoon full of milk every 2 hours & wished to see me. However when I got there it was too late & she was tired so after sitting a while with Mr Eden I went home– I have rather a cold wh I think I have encreased by having my hair washed this morng by the hair dresser–

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