0Sunday. 11th [May 1902]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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11 May 1902 — 3 Savile Row
Sunday. 11th [May 1902]. I went to Marlboro’ Chapel Royal service at 10—& there met Connie who came back home with me until it was time for her to go to the St James’ Ch. R. service at 12. I went to lunch with Adeline Bedford at 26 Hertford St very pleased to see her again. Afterwards I called on old Miss Duff Gordon who is now very old but still quite lively & talkative—tho’ she lay on the sofa. Then home. Visits from Mrs A. Walrond, Mr Rhys Williams, Mr Albert Gray (Lady Millais brother) & Dacre Du Cane. At 7 I went to evening service at St James’ Piccadilly where I met Eda Alderson & brought her back here to dine.

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