0Thursday. 22nd [May 1902]—Paris
BaylorBrowning Guide

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22 May 1902 — Paris
Thursday. 22nd [May 1902]. Cold & wet– I went to lunch with Count de Basterot at 10 Place de Laborde. Found a nephew (military) with him wh was rather a bore as 3 is an awkward number—tho’ he was very pleasant. The poor Count is dreadfully helpless & cannot walk a step & is always in his wheel chair. Vere took Kate out to lunch—we both got back to the hotel at the same time. I walked off again to the Quais & bought a Peruche to tame for wh I gave 15 francs & the man declares he will learn to talk & be tame. After tea we took a turn under the arcades of the Rue de Rivoli & Kate bought some presents for her girls.

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