0Tuesday. 27th [May 1902]—Paris
BaylorBrowning Guide

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27 May 1902 — Paris
Tuesday. 27th [May 1902]. Mme Lacroix called on us in the morning. At 12 I went off in a cab to see Count de Basterot before his dejeuner & sat ½ hour with him—then walked back to lunch at the hotel. In the meanwhile Baroness Edmond Rothschild called on Kate & invited us to go to the theatre this evening & promised to send us tickets. We went off at 3 in a fiacre to Bd St Germain to leave cards on Mme Delisle whom we had met at La Muette & then by the new Alexander Bridge back to Mr Byard’s & then had tea with him & his friend with whom he shares the apartment, Dr Robinson. Had a long talk with Mr B. & he is hopeful about his own singing & thinks he will get to sing at the Opera Comique– At 5.30 went on to Mme Lacroix & heard Señor Rubio play the ’cello & Signor Baldetti sing. The latter a pleasant man of fine figure, was delighted to talk Italian with me– Rubio is a small dark man—very young looking for his age. He played exquisitely– Imitated also on his ’cello Spanish guitar playing– Both gentlemen were most amiable & sang & played several times– Christa Morphy sang to us– It was 7 before the music was over the gentlemen left– The Morphys mère et fille & Kate & I dined with Mme Lacroix & directly after Kate & I hastened back to our hotel to see for our theatre tickets. They were there so at 9 we went to the “Nouveautés” to see Loute– One of the usual immoral french plays wonderfully well acted & often very funny– Like all such French plays in ease on adultery—& 4 couples were implicated—which is more than the usual number required by a French audience. The plot was in fact sickening. B. & Bss Edmond Rothschild joined us after the piece had begun—& when it was over sent us back in a carriage they had ordered especially for us, to our hotel. It was past 12 & we had had a hard day & were tired.

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