0Thursday. 29th [May 1902]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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29 May 1902 — 3 Savile Row
Thursday. 29th [May 1902]. Still felt CD & only got up for lunch– Kate lunched out. Mr Somerset Beaumont & Count Conrad Emo came to lunch with Nellie & me– I did not go out at all. It rained a great deal. Got letters to say that my sister Maria is very much worse & that her children have all been sent for. Alice Murray & Daisy to whom I have lent Ca’ Capello for a few weeks are on their way home. Lady Bessborough came to tea– A wonderful old lady—over 80– She was always remarkably plain—with bright red hair—which refuses to turn grey & so she keeps still young looking. Unfortunately she is very deaf & one has to shout at her but she is lively & takes keen interest in everything. Mr Seymour Allen came also—a curious man & kindly—& the old Misses Monk also friendly & pleasant.

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