0Tuesday. 17th June [1902]—Peterborough Minster Precincts, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire
BaylorBrowning Guide

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17 June 1902 — Peterborough Minster Precincts, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire
Tuesday. 17th June [1902]. Kate being better she & I drove over to Chesterton in a hansom cab for 4/ in order to see Monty & to lunch with him. The girls went over on their bycicles. Walked round Monty’s garden & went into the church & Monty played the new organ which he has placed there having raised subscriptions for it. Kate & I returned to Peterboro’ by the bus costing 4d each– After 5 o’cl tea we went out walking & paid Mr C. Dack a visit. He is traffic manager on the railway line & amuses his leisure in collecting old china glass &c & is a very nice intelligent man—& interested in my mother’s family—the Huntlys &c.

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