0Thursday. 19th [June 1902]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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19 June 1902 — 3 Savile Row
Thursday. 19th [June 1902]. I walked out in the morning & called on Hallam Murray at Albemarle St to talk over Sir Wm White’s Life in wh has been published letters of Henry’s without my leave obtained. I found Hallam & John much distressed as the book was published by them. I walked on to Cav. Sqr & from there Blanche & I walked to Portland St to look into old furniture shops & then I proceeded home to lunch. Wrote letters all the afternoon till tea time. Abt 6.30 to my surprise Mrs & Miss Griscom & Mrs Rodman Griscom walked in having arrived from America this morng. They had said they were going to Paris believing they wd have a difficulty in finding accommodation in London on acct of the Coronation—but they got rooms & so came here. Nellie & I dined at Cav. Sqr. Only Blanche & Irène at home. Today was the 1st warm day & everybody in the streets was in summer attire. The streets on the line of the coming Processions are a curious sight of building & decorating & the town is hardly recognizable. There are crowds of country folk and foreigners every where in the streets & it is difficult to walk in the more frequented parts. The indisposition of the King, who was not able to be at the Aldershot Review is causing much talk– He has to take care of himself in view of the fatigues of the Coronation.

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