0Friday. 20th [June 1902]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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20 June 1902 — 3 Savile Row
Friday. 20th [June 1902]. Wrote many letters in the morning. Theodora & Aura Guest came to luncheon & Theo took me out driving afterwards. We had a wet morning but it cleared & we were able to drive in an open carriage. I called on a Mrs Whitaker & told her of my scheme for having an Art Sale next month in aid of the New International Hospital at Venice. She entered warmly into the scheme & offered to help me. I came home by tea time. Miss Ingram came also my godchild Enid Kennedy & Miss LaTouche—& Mr Woods—& Mr Griscom. Blanche came to dinner—nice quiet evening–

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