0Tuesday. 8th July [1902]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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8 July 1902 — 3 Savile Row
Tuesday. 8th July [1902]. News that Cecil Alderson was taken ill on Sunday with typhlitis– Reggie came in the morng to ask if we had further news. My brother Monty happened to come up to see me & said Mr A. Burton was coming to see him & he would send him up to speak to me & tell me what the illness is. He came & tells me it is what the King has got & it need not be serious if there is no abcess– Reggie returned at tea time to hear what answer I got to a telegram I sent of enquiry wh says he is better. Lady Selborne came to tea & asked Nellie to go to dine at the Admiralty, which she did. I was alone & had a peaceful evening.

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